Episode 10: Ryan Feely | Accountability & Extreme Ownership

Episode 10: Ryan Feely | Accountability & Extreme Ownership

In the fast-paced world of sales, success isn’t just about closing deals—it’s about the journey, the mindset, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. In a recent episode of the podcast Merchants of Change, Ryan Feeley, Director of Sales at Seamless Thought, shares his inspiring story of transitioning from a college athlete to a sales leader.

Ryan’s journey began on the football fields of Florida State University, where he played Division One football. But it wasn’t just his athletic prowess that defined him—it was his work ethic, determination, and willingness to outwork everyone else. From his humble beginnings as a walk-on kicker to becoming a key player on the team, Ryan’s story is a testament to the power of hard work and perseverance.

But Ryan’s journey didn’t end on the football field. After graduating from college, he found himself at a crossroads, unsure of what path to take. It was a chance encounter with a sales program at Florida State that changed everything. Inspired by the opportunity to learn new skills and challenge himself, Ryan dove headfirst into the world of sales.

The sales program at Florida State provided Ryan with the tools and training he needed to succeed in the competitive world of sales. From cold calling to email outreach, Ryan honed his skills and proved himself to be a top performer. But it wasn’t just about hitting quotas—it was about building relationships, understanding customer needs, and delivering value.

As Ryan’s career progressed, he continued to push himself to new heights. From SDR to AP to director, Ryan climbed the ranks at Seamless Thought, driven by his passion for sales and his unwavering commitment to excellence. But perhaps more importantly, Ryan never forgot where he came from. He remained humble, grateful for the opportunities he had been given, and eager to pay it forward to the next generation of sales professionals.

Ryan’s story is a powerful reminder that success isn’t just about talent—it’s about hard work, determination, and the willingness to seize opportunities when they arise. Whether you’re a college athlete, a military veteran, or someone looking to make a career change, Ryan’s story serves as a source of inspiration and motivation. So go ahead, chase your dreams, and unlock your full potential. Success is waiting for those who are willing to work for it.

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Episode 9: Nate Freeberg | The Power of Coachability

Episode 9: Nate Freeberg | The Power of Coachability

In a rapidly changing world, adaptability is the name of the game. As the landscape shifts, those who cling too tightly to the old ways risk being left behind. This sentiment rings true not only in the realm of sports but also in the dynamic world of sales. In a recent episode of the “Merchants of Change” podcast, Nate Freeberg, a seasoned sales manager at 280 Group, shared insights gleaned from his journey from D-1 soccer player to outbound sales manager.

Freeberg emphasizes the importance of coachability in navigating the evolving sales landscape. Drawing parallels between his sports background and his career in sales, he highlights the need to continuously challenge one’s own thinking and embrace new strategies. As the podcast delves into Freeberg’s transition from athlete to sales professional, his passion for coaching emerges as a driving force behind his desire to lead and mentor others.

Reflecting on his coaching experiences both on and off the field, Freeberg underscores the value of supporting and empowering team members. He emphasizes the significance of product-market fit and the role of effective leadership in fostering a culture of success. For Freeberg, leadership is not just about steering the ship but also about rolling up one’s sleeves and leading by example.

In the ever-evolving landscape of sales, Freeberg advocates for a targeted and strategic approach to outbound prospecting. He stresses the importance of specificity in outreach efforts, citing the need to move away from a spray-and-pray mentality. With email restrictions tightening, precision and relevance are paramount in driving meaningful engagement.

As Freeberg transitions into a leadership role, he remains committed to building a team-based atmosphere rooted in celebration and support. He believes in the power of acknowledging both small victories and major milestones, fostering a culture where every team member feels valued and empowered to succeed.
In conclusion, Freeberg’s journey from athlete to sales leader offers valuable lessons in adaptability, coachability, and the importance of fostering a culture of success. As the sales landscape continues to evolve, embracing change and empowering team members will be crucial in navigating the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

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Episode 8: When Preparation Meets Opportunity | Katie Grimm

Episode 8: When Preparation Meets Opportunity | Katie Grimm

Katie Grim’s Journey from Lacrosse to Sales

In a recent episode of our podcast, we sat down with Katie Grim to explore her journey from collegiate lacrosse player to successful sales professional. Katie’s story offers valuable insights for athletes and veterans considering or beginning their careers in sales.

Transitioning from Sports to Sales

Katie’s athletic career was defined by her competitive spirit and strong relationships with her teammates. This competitive nature stayed with her after college, helping her transition into the sales industry. Despite initial aspirations of becoming a sports agent, Katie discovered sales through friends working in the field and realized her competitive and social nature made it a perfect fit.

The Reality of Sales

Katie highlighted a common misconception about sales: the idea that it involves high-pressure tactics and pushing products. Instead, she emphasized that modern sales are about understanding and solving customer problems. This approach requires active listening, empathy, and the ability to relate product benefits to customer needs. The key to successful sales is helping customers realize how a product can improve their situation.

Coachability and Resilience

Katie shared her experiences in sales development and coaching. She emphasized the importance of being coachable and able to apply feedback. This is particularly crucial in sales, where rejection is common, and resilience is essential. Katie noted that athletes often possess a natural ability to handle rejection and bounce back, which is a valuable trait in sales.

Choosing the Right Sales Role

When advising seniors or anyone considering a sales career, Katie stressed the importance of self-awareness. Understanding one’s strengths, preferences, and career goals is crucial in selecting the right sales role. She also recommended finding companies with strong onboarding programs and supportive leadership, as these factors can significantly impact early career success.

Medtech Sales

Katie’s current role is in the medtech industry, where she helps medical device sales reps identify potential customers using data and AI. This sector offers a unique challenge and requires a deep understanding of the medical field, making it a rewarding path for those interested in healthcare and technology.

Advice for Aspiring Sales Professionals

Katie’s advice for those considering a sales career is to embrace the control and potential for success that sales offers. The harder you work, the more you can achieve. She also highlighted the fun and variety in sales, from interacting with different people to the satisfaction of closing deals.

Being Dialed In

For Katie, being “dialed in” means where preparation meets opportunity. It’s about doing the necessary groundwork and maximizing every chance to succeed. This approach, she believes, is essential for any sales professional aiming to excel.

Katie Grim’s journey from lacrosse to sales is a testament to how the skills and mindset developed in sports can translate into a successful sales career. Her insights offer valuable guidance for anyone transitioning into the sales field.

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Episode 7: If Sales Was Easy Everyone Would Do it | Ryan Spicer

Episode 7: If Sales Was Easy Everyone Would Do it | Ryan Spicer

From Soccer to Sales: Insights from Ryan Spicer’s Journey

In our latest podcast episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Ryan Spicer, a former professional soccer player and current sales leader. Ryan shared his journey from the soccer field to the sales floor, offering valuable insights for those considering a career in sales.

Transitioning from Sports to Sales

Ryan’s athletic career was marked by dedication, teamwork, and resilience. He recalled memorable moments from his soccer career, including a high-stakes game in college that went into multiple overtimes and penalty kicks. However, it was the daily training and camaraderie with his teammates that he cherished most. These experiences laid a strong foundation for his transition into the business world.

Facing the Sales Stigma

Ryan admitted that he initially had reservations about entering the sales industry. Like many, he had preconceived notions about sales being pushy and dishonest. However, a mentor who had followed a similar path encouraged him to explore the field. This mentor’s guidance, coupled with Ryan’s curiosity and willingness to learn, helped him overcome his hesitation.

Learning the Ropes

Ryan’s first sales role was at Viacom, where he quickly realized the importance of having a beginner’s mindset. He approached his job with humility, eager to absorb as much knowledge as possible. His curiosity and drive to understand the business from the ground up were crucial to his early success.

The Role of Creativity in Sales

Ryan emphasized that sales, especially in the media industry, involves much more than just closing deals. It requires creativity and strategic thinking to integrate brands into the consumer experience effectively. This aspect of sales kept Ryan engaged and motivated, as it allowed him to continuously develop and propose innovative solutions to clients.

Resilience and Adaptability

A key takeaway from Ryan’s journey is the importance of resilience and adaptability in sales. He shared how dealing with rejection and setbacks is part of the job. However, the ability to bounce back and keep pushing forward is what ultimately leads to success. This mindset, honed through years of competitive sports, has been invaluable in his sales career.

Advice for Aspiring Sales Professionals

For those considering a sales career, Ryan offers practical advice:

  1. Understand Your Motivation: Reflect on why you want to enter sales and what qualities you seek in a job. This self-awareness will help you find a role that aligns with your goals and interests.
  2. Seek the Right Environment: Look for companies that foster collaboration, provide opportunities for growth, and support their employees. Ask about the company culture and speak with potential colleagues to get a sense of the work environment.
  3. Embrace Learning and Feedback: Approach your career with a willingness to learn and seek out feedback. Continuous improvement and skill development are essential in sales.
  4. Be Prepared for Challenges: Recognize that sales is not easy and requires a high level of commitment and perseverance. Being prepared to face and overcome obstacles is crucial for long-term success.

Being Dialed In

To Ryan, being “dialed in” means having a clear understanding of your role, being committed to achieving your goals, and remaining resilient in the face of challenges. It’s about knowing what’s expected of you, striving for excellence, and not giving up when things get tough.

Ryan Spicer’s journey from soccer to sales is a testament to how the skills and mindset developed in sports can translate into a successful sales career. His story serves as an inspiration for athletes and veterans considering this path, highlighting the importance of dedication, adaptability, and a continuous drive to learn and grow.

Pellentesque et tempor ante, sit amet consectetur ipsum. Mauris ex turpis, fringilla ac lectus a, luctus accumsan tellus. Curabitur consequat felis porttitor ornare dapibus. Mauris pulvinar, justo at blandit lobortis, purus justo fringilla dui, non laoreet lectus dui sed tellus. In sit amet nunc mauris.

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Episode 6: A Relentless Sales Mindset | Kevin Reed Jr

Episode 6: A Relentless Sales Mindset | Kevin Reed Jr

Kevin Reed Jr.: From Gridiron to Sales Success

In a recent episode of Merchants of Change, host JR welcomed Kevin Reed Jr., a former football player who successfully transitioned into a sales career. Kevin’s journey from the field to the office offers valuable lessons for athletes considering a similar path.

From Football Dreams to Real-World Realities

Kevin’s athletic career started with a significant milestone: receiving a scholarship offer after three years in junior college. This moment was a turning point for him, eventually leading him to play at Southern Illinois University. Kevin’s journey didn’t stop there. He experienced the fast-paced world of the CFL and even ventured into professional sports in Australia, playing both American football and rugby.

Transitioning to Sales

After returning to the U.S., Kevin’s career shift began at Apple Retail, where he honed skills in open-ended questions, objection handling, and lead qualification. This retail experience served as a solid foundation for his leap into software sales. Kevin joined SignalAI as an SDR, where his athletic background and Apple training set him apart.

Overcoming Initial Challenges

Kevin’s first cold call experience was daunting. He shared a memorable story of hanging up in panic when a high-profile prospect answered. Despite this rocky start, he emphasized the importance of practice and repetition, drawing parallels to his sports training. “Practice makes perfect,” he noted, highlighting how the persistence learned in sports translated to his sales career.

Building a Routine and Embracing Mentorship

Kevin underscored the importance of having a structured routine, similar to an athlete’s training schedule. Planning his day the night before and blocking out specific times for tasks helped him stay organized and focused. He also stressed the value of mentorship, advising new sales professionals to seek leaders they admire and can learn from, as these relationships can significantly impact their growth.

Connecting Sports and Sales

Kevin believes that the competitive nature and resilience developed in sports are crucial for success in sales. He advised athletes transitioning to sales to leverage their drive and dedication. “Going after someone for months and booking a call can be just as rewarding as achieving a sports milestone,” he said. This competitive edge, coupled with the ability to handle rejection and persist, makes athletes well-suited for sales roles.

Advice for New Sales Professionals

For those considering a career in sales, Kevin’s advice is clear:

Seek Strong Leadership: Choose a company with mentors who exhibit leadership qualities and can provide guidance.

Develop a Routine: Plan your days meticulously to maximize productivity and stay on track.

Embrace Relentlessness: Be relentless in your pursuit of goals. The effort and persistence will pay off.

Dialed In: The Key to Sales Success

Kevin defined being “dialed in” as maintaining maximum effort at all times, being relentless in pursuit of goals, and staying focused on meaningful tasks. This mindset, he believes, is essential for excelling in sales and achieving long-term success.

Kevin Reed Jr.’s journey from the gridiron to the sales floor exemplifies how the skills and mindset developed in sports can translate into a successful sales career. His story is a testament to the power of resilience, practice, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

Pellentesque et tempor ante, sit amet consectetur ipsum. Mauris ex turpis, fringilla ac lectus a, luctus accumsan tellus. Curabitur consequat felis porttitor ornare dapibus. Mauris pulvinar, justo at blandit lobortis, purus justo fringilla dui, non laoreet lectus dui sed tellus. In sit amet nunc mauris.

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Episode 5: Its All About the Customer | Matt Barr

Episode 5: Its All About the Customer | Matt Barr

From the Court to the Cold Call: Matt Barr’s Journey from Basketball to Sales

In a recent episode of Merchants of Change, host JR Butler welcomed Matt Barr, a former basketball player turned sales professional. Matt’s journey from the basketball court to a successful career in sales offers invaluable insights for aspiring salespeople, particularly those transitioning from sports.

Fond Memories and Lessons from Basketball

Matt began by reflecting on his basketball career, emphasizing the camaraderie and team spirit he experienced. “It’s the locker room, the long bus rides, the morning lifts,” he shared. These experiences instilled in him a sense of discipline and teamwork, which later proved crucial in his sales career. Matt fondly recalled the accountability system at Bentley, where players were graded on their performance in every game. This rigorous approach to improvement laid the foundation for his work ethic in sales.

Transitioning to Sales: From Rwanda to SaaS

After college, Matt took an unconventional path by spending a year in Rwanda with a nonprofit organization, using basketball to promote health education. This experience broadened his perspective and reinforced his commitment to making a positive impact. Returning to the U.S., he began his sales career at Acquia, a software company in Boston. The skills he developed on the basketball court—resilience, strategic thinking, and teamwork—translated seamlessly into his new role.

The Importance of Mentorship and Passion

Matt highlighted a pivotal conversation with a mentor who advised him to find passion in building processes, developing relationships, and helping others grow. This advice reshaped his career trajectory, leading him to Breezeway, a startup where he could leverage his skills and passion for building teams and processes. Matt emphasized the importance of mentorship in sales, advising new sales professionals to seek leaders who offer substantial coaching and development.

Advice for Aspiring Sales Professionals

Matt’s advice to those considering a career in sales is straightforward: focus on culture, leadership, and growth. He stressed the importance of joining a company where you can receive robust coaching and mentorship, which is vital for early career development. “Find a leader who can provide you with the necessary guidance and support,” he advised.

Training New Sales Reps: The Breezeway Playbook

At Breezeway, Matt’s approach to onboarding new sales reps starts with instilling a deep understanding of the customer. He prioritizes teaching new hires about the clients’ needs and challenges before diving into product training. This customer-centric approach ensures that sales reps can speak the client’s language and build credibility from the outset.

What It Means to Be Dialed In

For Matt, being “dialed in” means bringing consistent energy, focus, and effort to every task, every day. He referred to this as “everyday ability,” a concept instilled in him during his basketball days at Bentley. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of an internal locus of control—focusing on what you can control and constantly seeking ways to improve.

Matt Barr’s journey from basketball to sales exemplifies how the skills and mindset developed in sports can lead to a successful career in sales. His story is a testament to the power of discipline, mentorship, and relentless effort in achieving professional success.

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Episode 4: The Art of Sales | Jenn Haskell

Episode 4: The Art of Sales | Jenn Haskell

From Athlete to Sales Enablement Leader: Jen Haskell’s Journey

In the latest episode of “Merchants of Change,” host JR Butler sat down with Jen Haskell, a former three-sport college athlete and now a leader in sales enablement. Jen’s unique journey from being an elite athlete to shaping sales professionals provides valuable insights for anyone considering a transition into sales.

Athletic Background and Early Career

Jen’s sports journey is impressive. She was on the path to playing Division I basketball and Division II softball but chose to attend a Division III school to play basketball, softball, and volleyball. This decision was driven by her passion for all three sports. Among her proudest athletic achievements is being the first female at her college to score 1,000 points in basketball. Jen credits her competitive spirit and teamwork skills developed during her sports career as foundational to her professional success.

Transition to Sales and Sales Enablement

Jen’s path to sales was unconventional. Initially aspiring to be a sports agent, financial constraints led her to a corporate role instead. She discovered her love for teaching and coaching, which naturally evolved into a career in sales enablement. Despite never holding a formal sales title, Jen has always been in roles where selling and persuasion were key components.

Adapting Training for Different Generations

Jen highlighted the importance of adapting sales training to cater to different generations. Millennials, for example, thrive with a blend of traditional and digital training methods. Gen Z, having grown up with smartphones and short-form content, respond better to brief, focused coaching sessions. Jen emphasizes the importance of a blended learning approach, incorporating self-paced learning, hands-on practice, and digital tools to cater to various learning styles.

Key Advice for Aspiring Sales Professionals

For those new to sales or considering a career shift, Jen advises being proactive in leveraging sales enablement resources. She encourages new sellers to actively engage with their sales enablement teams, seek continuous feedback, and integrate training into their daily routines. This proactive approach not only accelerates learning but also builds a strong internal brand as a go-getter.

Building Effective Sales Enablement Programs

Jen’s playbook for sales enablement includes several core components. For sellers, it emphasizes time management, building and managing pipelines, and strategic planning. For leaders, it focuses on understanding team dynamics, emotional intelligence, and empowering their teams rather than solving every problem for them. Jen believes that effective sales enablement is about creating a supportive environment where sellers can thrive.

Final Thoughts

Jen’s love for sales stems from her passion for being part of a team and helping others succeed. She highlights the importance of having a clear vision, being adaptable, and continuously seeking input from others. Her sports background has instilled in her a strong work ethic and the ability to push through challenges, qualities she believes are crucial for success in sales.

Jen’s journey from a multi-sport athlete to a leader in sales enablement is a testament to the transferable skills athletes and military veterans bring to the sales profession. Her story underscores the value of teamwork, adaptability, and relentless pursuit of excellence—qualities that are essential in both sports and sales.

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Episode 3: The No Playbook Playbook | Steve Travaglini

Episode 3: The No Playbook Playbook | Steve Travaglini

Steve Travaglini on Transitioning from Athlete to Sales Leader

In the latest episode of the “Merchants of Change” podcast, host JR Butler sat down with Steve Travaglini to discuss his journey from college athlete to successful sales leader. Steve, who attended Assumption University and played football, shared his experiences and insights on transitioning to a career in sales, especially for former athletes and military veterans.

Fond Memories and Tough Challenges

Steve reminisced about his football days, emphasizing the camaraderie and the intense, challenging workouts. He highlighted a pivotal moment in his junior year when he suffered a significant knee injury. This setback turned into a valuable learning experience as he took on a coaching role, helping the defensive coordinator and gaining a new perspective on the game.

The Transition to Sales

Growing up in a sales-oriented family, Steve always had an inclination towards sales. His first sales role was an unpaid internship at the Worcester Visitors and Conventions Bureau, where he faced the daunting task of cold calling local businesses without any training or support. This experience, though challenging, laid the foundation for his sales career.

After college, Steve’s first full-time sales job was in recruitment at a staffing firm. He later transitioned to the tech industry, driven by the rapid career progression he observed among his peers. Steve’s move to tech sales proved to be a pivotal decision, aligning with his competitive nature and desire for continuous learning and growth.

Why Sales?

Steve loves sales for its parallels to athletics: the team dynamics, the competitive environment, and the meritocracy. Sales, like sports, rewards hard work and discipline. Steve emphasized the importance of being “dialed in,” a term used to describe someone who is focused, disciplined, and consistently performing at a high level.

Advice for Aspiring Sales Professionals

Steve offered valuable advice for new graduates and those considering a career in sales. He stressed the importance of choosing the right company and leader, advising candidates to ask about the sales enablement function during interviews. For those already in sales, he emphasized the need to be proactive, seek feedback, and continuously improve.

Building a Sales Playbook

Steve’s sales playbook would focus on three core pillars:

No Playbooks: Emphasize adaptability and doing what works over rigidly following a set methodology.

Hiring Well: Focus on hiring energy givers, self-driven individuals, and those with a natural fit for sales.

Human Psychology: Understand and connect with people to motivate and lead effectively.

Steve’s journey highlights the importance of resilience, adaptability, and continuous learning. His story serves as an inspiration for anyone transitioning from sports or military service to a sales career, showcasing how the skills and discipline developed in these fields can lead to success in sales.

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Episode 2: Be Different | Pat MacGregor

Episode 2: Be Different | Pat MacGregor

From Locker Room to Sales Floor: Pat McGregor’s Journey

In the latest episode of “Merchants of Change,” host JR Butler chats with Pat McGregor about his transition from a collegiate hockey player to a successful sales professional. The episode is geared towards new salespeople and those considering a shift into sales, especially athletes and military veterans.

Fond Memories of Hockey

Pat recalls his favorite memories from playing hockey, focusing on the camaraderie in the locker room and the invaluable lessons from his coaches. These experiences taught him the importance of teamwork, dedication, and continuous self-improvement—qualities that have served him well in his sales career.

Transitioning to Sales

Pat’s journey into sales began after a brief stint in professional hockey. Realizing that an NHL career wasn’t in the cards, he used his time in the East Coast League to explore potential career paths. Conversations with former hockey players, like Coleman Noonan, guided him towards sales. Coleman asked Pat a crucial question: “What motivates you?” Pat’s desire for competition, financial success, and a team-oriented environment made sales a natural fit.

First Steps in Sales

Pat’s first sales role was as a BDR at Resilient. He describes the initial challenges, from the anxiety of starting a new job to the steep learning curve. Pat emphasizes the importance of asking for help and being proactive in learning from others. Shadowing calls and seeking mentorship were critical to his development.

Advice for Aspiring Sales Professionals

Pat offers valuable advice for new graduates and those considering sales:

Be Different: Stand out by being proactive and creative. Don’t just follow the crowd.

Shadowing: Learn from experienced colleagues by shadowing their calls.

Continuous Learning: Invest time in reading, listening to podcasts, and watching videos to build your skills.

Culture Fit: Find a company with a culture that aligns with your values and a leadership team that supports your growth.

Finding the Right Role

Pat emphasizes the importance of finding a role that aligns with your motivations and career goals. For him, Gartner provided a strong company culture, growth opportunities, and a product he was passionate about. He advises job seekers to research companies thoroughly, considering factors like OTE numbers and turnover rates.

Leadership and Team Culture

Now a sales leader at Gartner, Pat draws parallels between his time as a hockey captain and his approach to leading a sales team. He focuses on building a strong culture and understanding what motivates each team member. Regular check-ins to discuss both professional and personal goals help keep his team motivated and aligned.

Key Traits for Success

Pat highlights coachability, dealing with adversity, and being a lifelong learner as essential traits for success in sales. He also stresses the importance of being naturally curious and an active listener, allowing sales professionals to understand their clients’ needs deeply and build strong relationships.


Pat McGregor’s journey from the ice rink to the sales floor is a testament to the transferable skills athletes bring to the corporate world. His story underscores the value of teamwork, continuous learning, and a strong work ethic—qualities that can propel anyone to success in sales. For those considering a career in sales, Pat’s insights offer a roadmap to navigating the challenges and finding fulfillment in this dynamic field.

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Episode 1: Improvise, Overcome, Adapt | Charlie Ruiz

Episode 1: Improvise, Overcome, Adapt | Charlie Ruiz

From Baseball Mound to Sales Pitch: Charlie Ruiz’s Transition Journey

In the latest episode of “Merchants of Change,” JR Butler sits down with Charlie Ruiz, a former professional baseball player turned sales professional, to discuss his journey from sports to sales and beyond. The podcast is tailored for new salespeople and those considering a career shift into sales, especially athletes and military veterans.

Nostalgia and Team Spirit

Charlie begins by reminiscing about his baseball days, not just the games, but the childhood moments of playing wiffle ball and the camaraderie with teammates. The memories of his playing days are rich with nostalgia, reflecting the deep connections and the relentless drive that sports instill in athletes.

The Unseen Heroes

When asked about his favorite teammates, Charlie highlights the often-overlooked bench players. These teammates, who didn’t always get much playing time, were the backbone of team spirit and energy. They inspired Charlie with their dedication and commitment, teaching him the value of every team member’s role, no matter how small.

A Quiet Leader

Charlie describes himself as a quiet but convicted teammate. He was never the loudest or the most charismatic, but he led by example. His dedication and work ethic on the mound spoke louder than words, motivating his teammates through his actions.

The End of a Baseball Career

Charlie’s baseball career ended due to a slow-burn injury that culminated in a major shoulder surgery. The transition was tough, but it was a defining moment. He vividly recalls the emotional closure of pitching one last time in front of his father, realizing it was time to hang up the cleats.

Transitioning to Sales

Post-baseball, Charlie navigated the uncertain waters of corporate America. Without a clear direction, he spent months networking and attending events before landing a BDR role at Capriza, a small tech company in Palo Alto. His first job was challenging due to the lack of guidance, but he excelled in building internal relationships and learning from his colleagues.

Guidance for New Entrants

Charlie advises new entrants to sales, especially former athletes, to seek mentors and coaches who can provide direction. He emphasizes the importance of understanding what sales entails by speaking with professionals from different sales environments. When choosing a company, he suggests considering whether you thrive in a structured, supportive environment or prefer the autonomy of a startup.

Crafting Your Story

Charlie believes in the power of storytelling, particularly focusing on moments of struggle and perseverance. He encourages individuals to highlight how they contributed to their team during challenging times, as this reveals character and values.

The Entrepreneurial Leap

Charlie’s entrepreneurial journey began with self-awareness and a desire for immediate impact. After realizing his passion for coaching and leadership development, he founded his own business, merging his sports performance background with his business acumen. His company focuses on coaching individuals and teams, using principles from both sports and tech to drive performance.

Key Coaching Principles

Charlie’s coaching playbook includes:

Active Listening and Curiosity: Genuinely listen to and understand others to serve them better.

Adaptability: Be ready to adapt and meet people where they are, facilitating dialogue and overcoming challenges in real-time.

Elite Skills and Being Dialed In

Charlie’s elite skill is his ability to adapt and facilitate conversations, connecting people and ideas seamlessly. For him, a sales professional who is dialed in remains calm amidst chaos, staying focused and unbothered by external pressures.

Charlie’s journey from the baseball field to the sales floor is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of athletes. His insights offer valuable lessons for anyone navigating a career transition, emphasizing the importance of mentorship, self-awareness, and continuous learning.

Pellentesque et tempor ante, sit amet consectetur ipsum. Mauris ex turpis, fringilla ac lectus a, luctus accumsan tellus. Curabitur consequat felis porttitor ornare dapibus. Mauris pulvinar, justo at blandit lobortis, purus justo fringilla dui, non laoreet lectus dui sed tellus. In sit amet nunc mauris.

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