Episode 10: Connecting the Unconnected | Esther Iyamu

Episode 10: Connecting the Unconnected | Esther Iyamu

Esther Iyamu journey from professional dancer and cheerleader in the NBA and NFL to founder and CEO of Growth Cube is nothing short of remarkable. In a recent episode of the “Merchants of Change” podcast, Esther shared insights into her transition from the world of dance to sales and business, offering valuable lessons along the way.

With a background that includes seven seasons in professional sports and a 16-year career in sales at Cisco, Esther embodies resilience, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Her story serves as an inspiration for aspiring professionals looking to make a career shift and excel in their chosen field.

Esther’s experience highlights the transferable skills and behaviors acquired as an athlete, which she seamlessly applied to her journey in sales and entrepreneurship. Her ability to thrive in competitive environments, maintain focus, and prioritize teamwork has been instrumental in her success.

One of the key takeaways from Esther’s journey is the importance of community representation and organizational excellence. Drawing parallels between her experiences in professional sports and business, Esther emphasizes the value of diversity, empathy, and community engagement. Whether on the court or in the boardroom, Esther understands the significance of aligning with the values and aspirations of the community.

Esther’s insights into the business operations of NFL and NBA teams shed light on the meticulous approach to talent recruitment and community engagement. She underscores the importance of finding individuals who not only excel in their roles but also embody the ethos of the organization and resonate with its fan base.

Throughout her career, Esther has remained grounded in her commitment to continuous learning and personal growth. Despite facing challenges and navigating unfamiliar territories, she has embraced each opportunity as a chance to expand her horizons and contribute meaningfully to her profession.

As Esther reflects on her journey, she offers invaluable advice to aspiring professionals, emphasizing the importance of embracing competition, understanding the business landscape, and staying present in the moment. Her story serves as a testament to the power of perseverance, determination, and unwavering passion.

In conclusion, Esther Iyamu’s journey from dancer to CEO is a testament to the transformative power of resilience, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Her story inspires us to embrace change, pursue our passions with unwavering dedication, and forge our own paths to success.

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Episode 9: Entitled To Nothing, Grateful For Everything | Vince Nistico

Episode 9: Entitled To Nothing, Grateful For Everything | Vince Nistico

In the world of sales, success often hinges on a combination of strategy, resilience, and authenticity. Drawing parallels between sports and sales, it’s evident that the qualities that make a great athlete can also translate into effective salesmanship. From strategic thinking to being coachable and authentic, the journey from the football field to the sales floor offers valuable lessons for aspiring sales professionals.

One key takeaway from the transcript conversation is the importance of being intentional in every aspect of the sales process. Just as a quarterback meticulously plans each play, a successful salesperson guides prospects through the buying journey with purpose and foresight. Whether it’s understanding the product inside out or developing strategic account plans, intentionality breeds success.

Another vital trait highlighted is patience. In a fast-paced sales environment, it’s easy to succumb to reactionary responses. However, patience allows sales professionals to pause, gather information, and provide thoughtful answers to customer inquiries. This approach not only builds trust but also demonstrates a commitment to delivering quality service.

Authenticity emerges as a cornerstone of effective selling. Just as no two athletes have the same playing style, no two salespeople should approach their prospects in identical ways. Embracing one’s unique personality and experiences fosters genuine connections with customers. Being true to oneself builds rapport and credibility, essential elements in forging lasting client relationships.

The transcript also emphasizes the importance of customer-centricity. Understanding the needs and challenges of customers is paramount in delivering value-driven solutions. Sales professionals should prioritize customer success, seeking to become trusted advisors rather than mere product peddlers. Positive customer experiences not only drive loyalty but also serve as powerful testimonials for prospective clients.

Reflecting on the journey from the football field to the sales arena, it’s evident that the principles of teamwork, resilience, and continuous improvement are universal. Whether facing off against opponents on the gridiron or navigating complex sales negotiations, the qualities that define great athletes—intentionality, patience, authenticity, and customer-centricity—prove instrumental in achieving sales success.

Aspiring sales professionals can draw inspiration from the insights shared in the transcript, recognizing that the path to success in sales is not just about closing deals but about building meaningful connections and delivering value at every touchpoint. By embracing these core principles and applying them with diligence and passion, sales professionals can elevate their performance and make a lasting impact in their careers.

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Episode 8: The Sales Interview Playbook | Dan Fantasia

Episode 8: The Sales Interview Playbook | Dan Fantasia

Breaking into Sales: Insights from Dan Fantasia

In the latest episode of “Merchants of Change,” JR Butler hosts Dan Fantasia, a renowned figure in the recruiting industry with decades of experience. The show, aimed at new salespeople and those considering a career shift into sales, is part of Shift Group’s mission to help elite athletes and military veterans transition into elite sales professionals.

Dan’s Journey into Sales and Entrepreneurship

Dan’s path to sales wasn’t a direct one. After college, he spent time as a ski bum, living in a van and working night shifts. His work ethic and drive eventually led him to sales roles and a general manager position. Realizing his knack for sales due to his grit and work ethic, he transitioned to a search firm, eventually founding his own company, TreeLine, to create a positive culture and environment for sales professionals.

The Importance of Grit and Consistency

Dan emphasizes that the key to success in sales and entrepreneurship is grit and long-term consistency. He notes that being a top performer isn’t about having a good month or year but about maintaining a consistent performance over many years. This requires a mentality to grind and hold oneself accountable while keeping a positive outlook.

Transitioning from Salesperson to CEO

Although Dan now works more on the business than in it, he continues to sell and stay engaged in the sales process. He believes that having a finger on the pulse of the business and the market is crucial for making informed decisions and steering the company in the right direction.

Crafting a Sales Playbook

If Dan were to write a sales playbook, it would include core beliefs such as:

Grit and Resilience: Sales involves a lot of rejection, and resilience is key to overcoming it.

Work Ethic: Being a hard worker who is accountable for their actions and results.

Consistency: Maintaining a steady performance emotionally, in work ethic, and in meeting key performance indicators (KPIs).

Belief in Yourself: Having confidence in your abilities and potential for success.

Advice for Aspiring Sales Professionals

When advising individuals considering a career in sales, Dan focuses on understanding their perception of sales and highlighting the importance of preparation and resilience. He asks candidates to reflect on their accomplishments and what they are proud of, helping them craft a story that showcases their strengths and unique qualities.

The Interview Process

Dan shares insights on preparing for sales interviews, stressing the importance of understanding the company and why you are a good fit. He advises doing thorough research on the company, the role, and the interviewer to demonstrate genuine interest and effort.

Choosing the Right Company

For those with multiple job offers, Dan advises prioritizing culture, mentorship, and long-term career prospects over immediate financial gains. The right environment with strong leadership and support will lead to sustained success and growth.

Key Skills for Success

Dan attributes his success to his consistent work ethic. He believes that being a dedicated worker who can stay motivated and maintain a positive attitude is crucial for long-term success in sales.

Being Dialed In

For Dan, being dialed in means having drive, accountability, and consistency. It’s about being focused, maintaining a positive attitude, and delivering consistent performance regardless of the environment or challenges.

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Episode 7: Its a People Game | Cianna Levi

Episode 7: Its a People Game | Cianna Levi

Transitioning from the Field to Sales: Insights from Cianna Levi

In the latest episode of “Merchants of Change,” host JR Butler sits down with Cianna “CeCe” Levi, a former professional cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboys and Portland Trail Blazers, who has successfully transitioned into a sales career. The podcast, aimed at new salespeople and those considering a career shift into sales, aligns with Shift Group’s mission of helping elite athletes and military veterans become elite sales professionals.

From the Cheerleading Stage to the Sales Floor

Cianna’s journey from the world of professional cheerleading to a career in sales is a testament to her adaptability and drive. She spent two seasons as a cheerleader for the Portland Trail Blazers before joining the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders for four years, including a stint as an all-star cheerleader. Reflecting on her cheerleading career, Cianna fondly recalls the camaraderie and unforgettable moments, from locker room gossip to dancing with Queen and Adam Lambert.

Overcoming Misconceptions and Embracing New Challenges

One common misconception Cianna addresses is the underestimation of the hard work and dedication required to be a professional cheerleader. Many people fail to recognize the extensive preparation and full-time commitment behind the scenes. She emphasizes that cheerleaders are indeed paid professionals, but the real value lies in the unique experiences and opportunities they gain.

Transitioning to a new career after cheerleading posed its challenges. Cianna initially worked in PR and communications, but after retiring from cheerleading, she sought a fresh start in sales. With encouragement from mentors and family, she embraced the opportunity at Outreach, a company that values her competitive sports background.

Lessons from Cheerleading: Applying Skills to Sales

Cianna’s cheerleading experience has provided her with valuable skills that translate well into sales. The discipline, teamwork, and competitive nature required in professional cheerleading have prepared her for the grind of sales. She highlights the importance of being accountable for both strengths and weaknesses, a principle she carried from the cheerleading field to her sales role.

Navigating the Sales Landscape

In her new role at Outreach, Cianna has learned to handle rejection and maintain a positive mindset. Viewing cold calls as opportunities to help potential clients rather than as nuisances has transformed her approach. Her ability to connect with people, honed through countless interactions as a cheerleader, has become a significant asset in her sales career.

Being part of an in-office team has accelerated her learning process. The collaborative environment allows her to learn from her colleagues’ successes and mistakes, fostering rapid growth. Cianna likens this to watching game film, a practice she and her boyfriend, a former NFL wide receiver, are familiar with.

Advice for Aspiring Sales Professionals

For those considering a career shift into sales, Cianna advises embracing the grind and being ready to start from the bottom. She emphasizes the importance of asking for help and being receptive to feedback. Understanding and leveraging one’s strengths while recognizing and working on weaknesses are crucial for success.

Cianna’s journey from cheerleading to sales showcases the value of transferable skills and the importance of maintaining a growth mindset. Her story is a powerful reminder that with dedication, resilience, and the right mindset, anyone can successfully transition into a new

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Episode 6: Leadership is Accountability | Josh Richards

Episode 6: Leadership is Accountability | Josh Richards

Transitioning from Military to Sales: Insights from Josh Richards

In the latest episode of “Merchants of Change,” host JR Butler sits down with Josh Richards, a former athlete and Army Ranger, who has successfully transitioned into a career in sales. This podcast is aimed at new salespeople, those considering a career shift into sales, and sales leaders. Shift Group’s mission is to help elite athletes and military veterans become elite sales professionals, making Josh a perfect guest as he checks both of these boxes.

From Hockey to the Military

Josh’s journey began on the ice, playing hockey with dreams of securing a Division 1 college scholarship. His dedication to the sport and his academic pursuits led him to the prestigious West Point, where he balanced the rigorous demands of military training with his passion for hockey. Reflecting on his time at West Point, Josh recalls the camaraderie and support from upperclassmen who helped him navigate the challenges of military life and academics.

Transitioning to Civilian Life

After a successful career in the military, including serving as a Ranger officer, Josh faced the daunting task of transitioning to civilian life. The sense of purpose and identity that came with being an Army Ranger was hard to replace. Josh emphasizes the importance of finding a new sense of purpose, which for him, became a career in sales. He highlights that while the job itself may not always provide that sense of purpose, aligning it with personal goals and values can create fulfillment.

The Path to Sales

Josh’s transition to sales was guided by mentors who highlighted the performance-based nature of the industry. Sales offered a clear path for growth and compensation based on effort and results, appealing to Josh’s competitive nature and disciplined mindset. He advises veterans to be prepared to start at entry-level positions, such as a Sales Development Representative (SDR), and work their way up, emphasizing the importance of humility and a willingness to learn.

Advice for Veterans

For veterans considering a transition into sales, Josh recommends focusing on the why behind their career choice. Understanding that sales is a grind and requires a performance-driven mindset is crucial. He also advises veterans to leverage resources like Shift Group and other veteran-specific programs to build their networks and sharpen their skills.

Keys to Success in Sales

Josh credits his success in sales to several key factors:

Humility and Willingness to Learn: Emphasizing the importance of being open to new experiences and continually seeking to improve.

Metrics and Performance: Highlighting the value of tangible metrics from his military career to demonstrate performance and accountability.

Discipline and Accountability: Drawing parallels between military discipline and the daily tasks required for success in sales.

Leadership and Teamwork: Applying leadership principles from the military, such as being responsible for his team’s performance and leading by example.

The Importance of Being Dialed In

For Josh, being dialed in means fully owning one’s territory as a business. This involves understanding every aspect of the job, from prospecting to closing deals, and maintaining a high level of professionalism. He likens it to being the captain of one’s own ship, taking responsibility for all outcomes and continually striving for excellence.

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Episode 5: Do More! | Darnell Shiver

Episode 5: Do More! | Darnell Shiver

From Army to Sales: Darnell Shiver’s Journey

In the latest episode of “Merchants of Change,” JR Butler welcomes Darnell Shiver, a Shift Group alumni who exemplifies the transition from military service to a successful career in sales. Shift Group’s mission is to help elite athletes and military veterans become elite sales professionals, and Darnell’s story is a testament to this mission.

Military Foundations

Darnell’s military career began in his twenties when he joined the Army. He initially wanted to enlist right out of high school but was persuaded otherwise by his family. After spending some time in Los Angeles without structure, the military provided him the discipline and team environment he needed. One of his proudest moments was being named the Distinguished Honor Graduate in Advanced Individualized Training (AIT), recognizing his leadership and maturity.

Transition to Civilian Life

Transitioning from the military to civilian life posed its challenges. Darnell emphasized that the military instills a level of discipline and selflessness that can be hard to replicate in civilian roles. Veterans often face stereotypes that can hinder their employment opportunities. Fortunately, Darnell secured a position at UCLA, where he worked for a decade, steadily rising through the ranks and gaining valuable experience in IT and cloud infrastructure.

Shift to Sales

Darnell’s interest in sales was sparked by his best friend and roommate, who had a successful career as an Account Executive in tech sales. After years in IT, Darnell decided to explore sales, leveraging his technical background and discipline from the military. However, finding a job in tech sales was not easy. It wasn’t until he discovered Shift Group that he received the guidance and preparation needed to break into the field.

Training and Mentorship

Through Shift Group, Darnell learned to effectively communicate his intangible skills and experiences in a way that resonated with hiring managers. The training provided him with essential hard skills for sales, such as researching, cold calling, and cold emailing. Darnell emphasizes the importance of mentors in his journey, advising others to seek out individuals who are more experienced and successful to guide them.

Success in Sales

Darnell’s dedication and hard work quickly paid off. He was selected to be part of a team of team leaders in his SDR position within his first month. His approach to sales is rooted in discipline and a relentless work ethic. He advocates for exceeding call quotas and maintaining a mindset focused on helping prospects rather than interrupting them. His ability to stay calm under pressure, a skill honed in the military, has been a significant asset in his sales career.

Advice for Veterans

For veterans considering a career in sales, Darnell advises them to be prepared to bet on themselves and embrace the initial challenges. He stresses the importance of finding a company with strong leadership and growth potential. Additionally, he highlights the value of mentors and the need to continuously learn and improve.

Being Dialed In

When asked what being “dialed in” means to him, Darnell described it as the readiness to tackle challenges every day, regardless of circumstances. This mindset encapsulates discipline, resilience, and a commitment to doing more. It’s about approaching each day with the determination to succeed and make a positive impact.

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Episode 4: Best of “Advice for Your 1st Company”

Episode 4: Best of “Advice for Your 1st Company”

Choosing the Right First Sales Job: Key Considerations

Starting a career in sales can be a daunting task, especially when faced with multiple job offers and a variety of company cultures. The decisions made at this juncture can set the tone for your career trajectory. Here are some essential considerations to help you choose the right first sales job, based on insights from experienced professionals.

  1. Industry Excitement

First and foremost, find an industry that excites you. Just like choosing a university, you should feel a pull towards the field you are entering. When you believe in the product or service you are selling, you are more likely to be successful. Passion and interest can significantly enhance your motivation and performance.

  1. Training and Development

A robust training and development program is crucial. Ensure the company you choose has a solid support system in place. Look for organizations that provide continuous coaching, resources, and a structured onboarding process. This support will help you stand on your own two feet and thrive in your new role. Without proper training, you might feel lost and unsupported, which can hinder your growth and performance.

  1. Cultural Fit

Cultural fit is an often overlooked but vital aspect of choosing your first sales job. You need to envision yourself working there and feeling comfortable with the company’s environment. A mismatch in culture can lead to dissatisfaction and a miserable work experience. During the interview process, assess the company’s culture by meeting the hiring manager and understanding their vision for the team.

  1. Communication Skills

Strong communication skills are essential for any salesperson. This includes being emotionally intelligent, understanding how to pivot during conversations, and effectively listening and responding to clients. Developing these skills early in your career will set a solid foundation for future success.

  1. Asking for Help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Recognizing when you need assistance and seeking guidance is a valuable skill in itself. It shows self-awareness and a willingness to improve, which are critical traits for long-term success in sales.

  1. Networking

Building a strong professional network is invaluable. Step out of your comfort zone and connect with people who can provide insights and opportunities. Networking can open doors to new possibilities and help you learn from others’ experiences.

  1. Preparation and Research

Preparation is key. Prior preparation prevents poor performance. Whether it’s for an interview or a client call, being well-prepared gives you confidence and a competitive edge. Research the company, understand their products, and be ready to discuss how you can contribute to their success.

  1. Growth Opportunities

Look for companies with high growth potential. Growth within a company often translates to personal career advancement. Companies that are expanding rapidly offer more opportunities for promotions and professional development. Ask about the company’s future plans and how they align with your career goals.

  1. Compensation and Benefits

While compensation should not be the sole deciding factor, it’s important to understand the pay structure. Some companies offer a mix of salary and commission, while others might have different compensation models. Ensure that you are comfortable with the financial aspects and that they meet your needs.

  1. Leadership and Mentorship

Strong leadership can make a significant difference in your early career. A good manager who invests in your development can accelerate your growth and success. Look for companies where the leaders have a proven track record of promoting and mentoring their teams.

  1. Company Culture and Values

Lastly, consider the overall culture and values of the company. A supportive, inclusive, and innovative environment can greatly enhance your job satisfaction and performance. Ensure that the company’s values align with your own, as this will make for a more fulfilling work experience.


Choosing the right first sales job involves more than just looking at the salary and benefits. It’s about finding a place where you can grow, learn, and thrive. By focusing on industry excitement, training, cultural fit, communication skills, and growth opportunities, you can make a decision that sets the foundation for a successful and rewarding career in sales.

Home Resources November 2, 2023 Choosing the Right First Sales Job: Key Considerations Starting a career in sales can be a daunting task, especially when faced with multiple job offers and a variety of company cultures. The decisions made at this juncture can set the tone for your career trajectory. Here are some essential considerations …

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Episode 3: Passion, Purpose & Work Ethic | Jon Sibley

Episode 3: Passion, Purpose & Work Ethic | Jon Sibley

Transitioning from Water Polo to Sales: A Conversation with John Sibley

On this episode of Merchants of Change, we had the pleasure of speaking with John Sibley, a former water polo player for Team USA and current sales professional. John shared his journey from the pool to the boardroom, offering insights and advice for those considering a career shift into sales.

From the Pool to the Office

John began by reminiscing about his favorite memories from his water polo days. While specific games like his first match at Cal and rivalry games against Stanford stood out, it was the camaraderie and daily interactions with his teammates that he cherished the most. “What I miss more than the games themselves or the awards is just being with the guys, working together, living together,” John reflected.

Discovering Sales

John’s transition from athletics to sales was driven by his competitive spirit and desire for teamwork. Initially considering a career in law, he found sales to be a better fit. “Sales is a natural fit for any athlete who’s competitive. It’s a clear win or loss, and your level of effort yields great results,” John explained. He started his sales career at a startup called Quid, where the team-oriented culture resonated with him.

Challenges and Adjustments

Adjusting to the corporate world from a semi-professional sports career was not without its challenges. John noted the difference between teammates and coworkers, emphasizing that coworkers might not share the same level of competition and work ethic. However, he continued to find ways to satisfy his competitive drive by playing water polo recreationally and competing internationally with the Olympic Club.

Building Confidence and Taking Risks

Reflecting on his early sales career, John wished he had more confidence in himself. “Anytime I’ve missed a target or goal, it all comes back to belief in myself,” he admitted. Now, as a business owner, he understands the importance of going all-in and taking risks to achieve success.

Guiding Aspiring Sales Professionals

John often receives calls from student-athletes considering a sales career. His advice centers on identifying what they want from a job, whether it’s the paycheck, the team, or the industry. He highlights the importance of curiosity, stating that it’s a critical trait for a successful salesperson. “You have to be curious about your industry, product, and customer,” John said.

Choosing the Right Company

When advising on selecting the right company, John emphasizes the importance of finding a place where one can learn and grow. He advises looking for a company with a great training program and an innovative product in an exciting industry. “The salary or leadership is important, but the ability to learn and grow is paramount,” he stressed.

Founding TrueBuilt

John’s entrepreneurial journey led him to co-found TrueBuilt, a company that helps builders produce accurate estimates for construction projects. The idea stemmed from the pricing volatility and supply chain issues experienced during COVID-19. TrueBuilt aims to turn preconstruction into a competitive advantage for builders, promoting more accurate and efficient project planning.

Building a Team at TrueBuilt

As a CEO, John focuses on building a cohesive team united by a common vision. TrueBuilt’s culture is encapsulated in what they call the “TrueBuilt mindset,” which combines purpose, passion, and hard work to achieve great results.

Sales Skills and Professionalism

John attributes his success in sales to team building and creating mutual wins for all stakeholders. He emphasizes the importance of constantly closing endorsement groups and building trust with customers. For John, being a sales professional means holding oneself to a high standard of excellence, continuously learning, and always putting in the effort to succeed.

In summary, John’s journey from water polo to sales underscores the importance of teamwork, curiosity, confidence, and continuous learning. His story is a testament to how the skills and traits developed in sports can translate into a successful sales career.

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Episode 2: Embrace Deliberate Discomfort | Matt Parrish

Episode 2: Embrace Deliberate Discomfort | Matt Parrish

From Green Beret to Sales Pro: Insights from Matt Parrish

On this episode of Merchants of Change, we sat down with Matt Parrish, a former Army Green Beret with over 20 years of experience in Special Forces. Matt’s journey from military service to a successful career in sales is both inspiring and instructive for those considering a similar transition.

Military Milestones and Lessons

Matt’s career in the Army was marked by significant milestones that shaped his character and leadership skills. After earning his Green Beret, Matt quickly advanced through the ranks, participating in numerous deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq. He emphasized the importance of technical and tactical proficiency, a foundational trait of effective leadership. His time in Special Forces taught him the value of being exceptionally good at his job, which enabled him to support and uplift his teammates.

The Importance of Team Culture

A recurring theme in Matt’s narrative is the profound impact of team culture. He reminisced about the camaraderie and the shared commitment to a common goal. This team-oriented mindset is something he carried into his civilian career. “Being in Special Operations was the honor of my life,” Matt stated, underscoring the deep bonds and mutual respect among his peers.

Transitioning to Civilian Life

Transitioning from the military to civilian life can be challenging, particularly when one’s identity is closely tied to their service. Matt highlighted the difficulty of this shift, likening it to losing a loved one. He noted that understanding the vast array of civilian job roles and industries can be overwhelming for veterans. The key, according to Matt, is finding a role that aligns with one’s skills and values, and where trust in leadership is paramount.

Finding a Fit in Sales

Matt did not initially target a career in sales but remained open to the possibility. His ability to communicate effectively and his belief that everyone is inherently in sales helped him transition smoothly into the role. He shared a compelling story from his military career where he was entrusted with a critical mission due to his problem-solving skills and reliability—traits that are highly valued in sales.

Advice for Veterans and Employers

For veterans exploring new career paths, Matt emphasized the importance of understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses and seeking roles that provide opportunities for growth. He advised against skipping steps and highlighted the necessity of becoming technically proficient in one’s new field before seeking leadership positions.

For business leaders looking to support veterans, Matt recommended partnering with organizations like Shift Group and the Honor Foundation, which specialize in helping veterans transition to civilian careers. He stressed the importance of mentorship and the significant impact that a simple conversation can have on a transitioning veteran.

Key Traits of a Sales Pro

To Matt, being a pro in sales means understanding the problem you solve better than anyone else and effectively communicating this to potential clients. A professional salesperson identifies the right clients, builds lasting relationships, and provides genuine solutions to their problems. This approach not only ensures sales success but also fosters trust and long-term partnerships.


Matt Parrish’s journey from the Army to a successful sales career is a testament to the transferable skills of veterans and the importance of strong team culture. His insights are invaluable for both veterans considering a career in sales and business leaders looking to support them. Matt’s story underscores the importance of technical proficiency, continuous learning, and building trust—core principles that can lead to success in any field.

Pellentesque et tempor ante, sit amet consectetur ipsum. Mauris ex turpis, fringilla ac lectus a, luctus accumsan tellus. Curabitur consequat felis porttitor ornare dapibus. Mauris pulvinar, justo at blandit lobortis, purus justo fringilla dui, non laoreet lectus dui sed tellus. In sit amet nunc mauris.

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Episode 1: Tough Times Make Tough Sellers | Bill Kavanaugh

Episode 1: Tough Times Make Tough Sellers | Bill Kavanaugh

From the Gridiron to Sales: Bill Cavanaugh’s Journey

On this episode of Merchants of Change, we were thrilled to host Bill Cavanaugh, affectionately known as Coach Cav. Bill’s transition from a successful football coaching career to a thriving role in tech sales provides valuable insights for athletes and veterans considering a career shift.

Football and Coaching Highlights

Bill’s football journey began at Bentley University, where he joined as a student-athlete in 2000. Despite a challenging start with a 5-6 record, Bill and his teammates turned the program around, achieving a historic 11-0 record and Bentley’s first NCAA Division II playoff appearance by his senior year. Reflecting on these times, Bill emphasized the lifelong friendships and camaraderie forged on the field.

Bill’s coaching career was equally distinguished. Starting at UMass Dartmouth with his father, he then moved to Stonehill College, helping turn the program around. His tenure at Penn State was a pinnacle experience, participating in the Rose Bowl and working with elite athletes. Finally, returning to Bentley University as head coach, Bill led the team to a conference championship and another NCAA playoff appearance, solidifying his legacy.

Key Traits of Successful Players

Coach Cav identified reliability and consistency as the hallmarks of his best players. Highlighting the significance of being dependable day in and day out, he shared the example of two standout players, Mike Mauti and Jordan Hill, who embodied these traits and were pivotal in crucial victories.

Transitioning to Sales

Bill’s transition from coaching to sales was driven by personal reasons, primarily focusing on his family. While the shift was significant, Bill found the experience rewarding, building strong relationships and enjoying the challenge of a new field. He acknowledged the dedication required in coaching and how it prepared him for the rigors of a sales career.

Overcoming Transition Challenges

Leaving behind the relationships built with players and the thrill of game day was tough for Bill. However, the need to prioritize his family made the decision clear. Bill emphasizes the importance of finding a workplace that understands and values the skills and experiences of former coaches and athletes.

Advice for Coaches Considering Sales

Bill advises fellow coaches to focus on finding a company that understands their background and values their experience. Engaging in conversations with people from different sectors, he highlights the importance of a cultural fit within the organization.

Initial Challenges and Natural Strengths

Adapting to the new terminologies and processes in tech sales was overwhelming initially. Bill found success by focusing on small goals, much like training athletes—ensuring consistent effort and building a foundation step by step. His natural ability to communicate and build relationships translated seamlessly into his sales role, helping him gain trust and close deals.

Operating Rhythm in Sales

Bill emphasizes the importance of finding quiet time outside the traditional 9 to 5 schedule to plan and handle tasks. Sending early morning emails to show clients and colleagues that he is on top of things has been a key strategy in his routine.

Hard-Earned Sales Lessons

One critical lesson Bill learned was the value of honesty. Admitting when he didn’t know something and ensuring he got the right answers built trust with clients. He also highlighted the importance of focusing on creating opportunities, leading to a successful first year at Barracuda.

The Professionalism of Sales

To Bill, being a pro in sales means navigating the ups and downs of each day with resilience and maintaining a commitment to honesty and trustworthiness. He draws parallels to his coaching days, emphasizing the importance of handling tough times with grace and integrity.


Bill Cavanaugh’s journey from football to tech sales illustrates how the skills and experiences from sports and coaching can translate into a successful sales career. His story underscores the value of reliability, communication, and a relentless work ethic—qualities that can lead to success in any field. For those considering a similar transition, Bill’s insights provide a roadmap to finding fulfillment and achievement beyond the gridiron.

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