Episode 5: Do More! | Darnell Shiver

From Army to Sales: Darnell Shiver’s Journey

In the latest episode of “Merchants of Change,” JR Butler welcomes Darnell Shiver, a Shift Group alumni who exemplifies the transition from military service to a successful career in sales. Shift Group’s mission is to help elite athletes and military veterans become elite sales professionals, and Darnell’s story is a testament to this mission.

Military Foundations

Darnell’s military career began in his twenties when he joined the Army. He initially wanted to enlist right out of high school but was persuaded otherwise by his family. After spending some time in Los Angeles without structure, the military provided him the discipline and team environment he needed. One of his proudest moments was being named the Distinguished Honor Graduate in Advanced Individualized Training (AIT), recognizing his leadership and maturity.

Transition to Civilian Life

Transitioning from the military to civilian life posed its challenges. Darnell emphasized that the military instills a level of discipline and selflessness that can be hard to replicate in civilian roles. Veterans often face stereotypes that can hinder their employment opportunities. Fortunately, Darnell secured a position at UCLA, where he worked for a decade, steadily rising through the ranks and gaining valuable experience in IT and cloud infrastructure.

Shift to Sales

Darnell’s interest in sales was sparked by his best friend and roommate, who had a successful career as an Account Executive in tech sales. After years in IT, Darnell decided to explore sales, leveraging his technical background and discipline from the military. However, finding a job in tech sales was not easy. It wasn’t until he discovered Shift Group that he received the guidance and preparation needed to break into the field.

Training and Mentorship

Through Shift Group, Darnell learned to effectively communicate his intangible skills and experiences in a way that resonated with hiring managers. The training provided him with essential hard skills for sales, such as researching, cold calling, and cold emailing. Darnell emphasizes the importance of mentors in his journey, advising others to seek out individuals who are more experienced and successful to guide them.

Success in Sales

Darnell’s dedication and hard work quickly paid off. He was selected to be part of a team of team leaders in his SDR position within his first month. His approach to sales is rooted in discipline and a relentless work ethic. He advocates for exceeding call quotas and maintaining a mindset focused on helping prospects rather than interrupting them. His ability to stay calm under pressure, a skill honed in the military, has been a significant asset in his sales career.

Advice for Veterans

For veterans considering a career in sales, Darnell advises them to be prepared to bet on themselves and embrace the initial challenges. He stresses the importance of finding a company with strong leadership and growth potential. Additionally, he highlights the value of mentors and the need to continuously learn and improve.

Being Dialed In

When asked what being “dialed in” means to him, Darnell described it as the readiness to tackle challenges every day, regardless of circumstances. This mindset encapsulates discipline, resilience, and a commitment to doing more. It’s about approaching each day with the determination to succeed and make a positive impact.

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