Episode 10 – Create Your Own Success | Carrie Bosworth

Episode 10 – Create Your Own Success | Carrie Bosworth

As we walk through the journey of life, certain mentors leave indelible marks on our paths, shaping not just our careers but our entire outlook. For many athletes, coaches stand as pillars of inspiration, pushing them to excel on the field and guiding them through the ups and downs of life. Such is the story of one remarkable individual whose volleyball career transitioned seamlessly into the dynamic world of technology sales.

Reflecting on her sports career, this individual fondly reminisces about the coaches who left lasting impressions. Among them, her college volleyball coach stands out as a beacon of influence. Their intense dedication mirrored her own, fostering a mentorship that transcended sports and continues to impact her life today. It’s a testament to the profound impact a mentor can have, not just in sports but in navigating the complexities of life.

But as her journey unfolded, she found herself at a crossroads, transitioning from the volleyball court to the corporate arena. It was a leap of faith, driven by a desire to explore new horizons and challenge herself in unfamiliar territory. Despite the initial discomfort of trading athletic gear for business attire, she embraced the opportunity with characteristic tenacity, diving headfirst into the world of sales.

Her path wasn’t without its twists and turns. From coaching volleyball teams to running athletic facilities, she explored various avenues before fate led her to the realm of sales. It was a moment of realization, a recognition that her competitive spirit and affinity for building relationships were tailor-made for the sales arena.

As she embarked on her sales career, she encountered challenges familiar to many newcomers: the daunting prospect of sitting behind a desk, the struggle to find one’s authentic voice in a corporate environment, and the internal journey of self-acceptance. Yet, through perseverance and guidance from mentors, she found her footing and began to thrive.

Looking back, she shares invaluable insights for aspiring sales professionals embarking on their own journeys. It’s not just about landing a job; it’s about finding the right fit—a company that values growth, fosters a culture of learning and development, and offers opportunities for personal and professional advancement.

She emphasizes the importance of proactive self-development, urging individuals to take ownership of their growth journey. Whether it’s immersing oneself in industry knowledge, honing communication skills, or seeking mentorship, there’s immense power in embracing continuous learning.

In today’s ever-evolving sales landscape, adaptability and resilience are key. As leaders, she believes in revisiting the fundamentals, equipping sales teams with the skills and mindset needed to navigate challenges and seize opportunities in an increasingly competitive market.

From the volleyball court to the boardroom, her journey exemplifies the transformative power of mentorship, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of growth. As aspiring sales professionals embark on their own adventures, may they draw inspiration from her story, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and charting their own paths to success.

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Episode 9 – Marine to Med Device Sales Pro – Scott Campbell

Episode 9 – Marine to Med Device Sales Pro – Scott Campbell

Transitioning from military life to civilian life is a journey filled with challenges, opportunities, and adjustments. In a recent conversation with a former Marine, Scott, we delved into his experiences, from why he chose the Marines to how he navigated the transition into the civilian workforce, ultimately finding his passion in sales.

Scott’s journey began with a childhood deeply rooted in military culture. Raised in a military family, with his father serving in the Air Force for 22 years, Scott’s upbringing was characterized by constant relocation and exposure to diverse environments. This upbringing instilled in him a sense of discipline, adventure, and a desire to serve his country.

When it came time to choose his path in the military, Scott was drawn to the Marines. Despite having options like the Navy and Air Force due to his family background, it was the distinctive allure of the Marine Corps that captured his heart. The iconic Marine uniform, coupled with the reputation of the Corps as a fighting force, resonated with Scott from a young age.

As he embarked on his journey with the Marines, Scott encountered the rigorous discipline and structured environment of military life. From the chaos of day one of boot camp to the meticulous attention to detail in uniform regulations, Scott learned invaluable lessons that would shape his approach to life and work.

One aspect that stood out to Scott was the importance of leadership that explains the “why” behind decisions. Unlike leaders who simply command without explanation, Scott admired those who took the time to communicate the rationale behind their actions, fostering understanding and trust among their team members.

Transitioning into civilian life presented its own set of challenges for Scott and his fellow veterans. The structured, cohesive environment of the military contrasted starkly with the often unpredictable and individualistic nature of civilian workplaces. Scott emphasized the importance of empathy and understanding from civilian employers, advocating for the hiring of HR professionals with military backgrounds who can bridge the gap and support veterans in their transition.

Despite the challenges, Scott’s passion for sales remained unwavering. From selling candy in high school to excelling as a server and bartender in restaurants, Scott had a natural talent for sales. This passion culminated in his role as a sales manager, where he thrived in motivating his team to maximize sales opportunities.

Scott’s journey from military service to sales is a testament to the resilience, adaptability, and drive of veterans transitioning into civilian life. Through discipline, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of success, Scott continues to thrive in his chosen path, inspiring others with his story of transformation and growth.

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Episode 8: Be the Thermostat | Donnell Boucher

Episode 8: Be the Thermostat | Donnell Boucher

Welcome to another episode of Merchants of Change, a podcast dedicated to helping elite athletes and military veterans transition into successful sales careers. Today, we have a unique guest, Donnell Boucher, whose journey from a high school football player in Western Massachusetts to a strength coach at The Citadel and now to a sales professional at Play, offers invaluable insights.

Early Athletic Memories

Donnell Boucher’s love for sports began in high school, where he played football at Chicopee Comprehensive High School. One of his most memorable moments was winning the “Sword Game” against Chicopee High, breaking a 12-year losing streak. This victory, celebrated by the entire community, made Donnell realize the significant impact sports can have beyond just the game itself.

The Citadel Experience

After high school, Donnell attended Worcester State, where he was surrounded by talented athletes who had transferred from larger programs. This environment pushed him to elevate his game and introduced him to the rigorous preparation and discipline required at higher levels of competition.

Donnell’s journey continued at The Citadel, a military college in South Carolina, where he started as a graduate assistant and quickly rose to become the head strength coach within a year. His tenure at The Citadel was marked by numerous accomplishments, including winning championships and developing deep, lasting relationships with athletes. Donnell highlights the unique culture of The Citadel, where every aspect of a cadet’s life is regimented and inspected, teaching them unparalleled time management and discipline.

Transitioning to Sales

The move from strength coaching to sales was not an easy decision for Donnell, but it was driven by a recognition of the broader applications of his skills. His understanding of influence, leadership, and human motivation laid a solid foundation for a career in sales. Donnell emphasizes that coaching, at its core, involves selling concepts, motivating individuals, and driving performance—all critical skills in sales.

Donnell joined Play as the Director of Business Development for College and Pro Sports. His role involves educating potential customers, understanding their needs, and ensuring that the solutions provided genuinely benefit them. He brings the same level of dedication and structure to his sales role as he did to coaching, relying on a meticulously organized schedule and a deep understanding of his clients’ needs.

Lessons Learned and Advice

One of the biggest lessons Donnell learned in sales is the importance of urgency and consistent follow-up. In coaching, relationships and trust are built over time, and the same applies in sales. Maintaining professional persistence and staying engaged with potential clients is crucial for success.

Donnell advises coaches and athletes transitioning to sales to recognize the sales elements in their current roles. He stresses the importance of being genuinely curious about clients’ needs and being adaptable in various situations. His mantra, “be the thermostat,” emphasizes the need to regulate and adapt to different environments and interactions, ensuring a positive and productive relationship.

Final Thoughts

Donnell’s journey from the field to the corporate world is a testament to the transferable skills that athletes and coaches possess. His story is an inspiration for anyone looking to make a similar transition, highlighting the importance of discipline, curiosity, and genuine care in building successful relationships in sales.

For those interested in a sales career, Donnell’s experience underscores the value of thorough preparation, maintaining structure, and focusing on the client’s needs. His approach to sales, rooted in his coaching background, offers a unique perspective that can lead to sustained success in the corporate world.

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Episode 7: Communication is Key | David Fales

Episode 7: Communication is Key | David Fales

Welcome to another episode of Merchants of Change, where we help elite athletes and military veterans transition into successful sales careers. Today, we have David Fales, a former NFL quarterback who has found a new path in tech sales. His journey from the football field to the corporate world offers valuable insights for anyone considering a similar career change.

Memories from the Field

David reflects on his time in football, emphasizing the importance of the relationships built through the sport. From high school to college at San Jose State, and then in the NFL, it’s the camaraderie and the locker room experiences that stand out the most. He notes that while specific games and events were memorable, it’s the bonds with teammates that he misses the most. This sentiment is a reminder to current athletes to cherish their time and relationships in sports.

Transitioning to Sales

The journey from professional sports to sales is not a common one, but David’s path was influenced by his brother’s success at Zoom, a well-known tech company. Seeing the opportunities in tech sales, David reached out to former teammates and professionals to learn about their experiences. His decision to start as a Business Development Representative (BDR) was strategic, allowing him to gain essential experience while staying remote during the pandemic.

David shares the importance of being humble and willing to start from the bottom, especially for athletes who are used to high-profile roles. His success as a BDR came from hard work, learning from top performers, and leveraging his routine-oriented background from sports.

The Athlete Advantage

David believes athletes excel in sales because of their discipline, routine, and understanding of delayed gratification. Athletes are used to following structured schedules and putting in the necessary work, even when it’s tough. These qualities translate well into the sales environment, where consistency and effort are key to success.

He advises others to seek out training and development opportunities when choosing their first sales role. It’s crucial to have a manager who has walked the path and can provide mentorship and support. David also highlights the importance of understanding the company’s growth potential and the opportunities for career progression.

Lessons from the Field

David emphasizes that learning never stops. Just as he studied the playbook in football, he continues to learn about his products and the industry to stay ahead. This continuous improvement mindset is essential for long-term success in sales.

He also notes the importance of being comfortable with discomfort. Cold calling and reaching out to high-level executives can be intimidating, but it’s necessary for growth. The best salespeople are those who can navigate these challenges and remain persistent.

Professionalism in Sales

For David, being a pro in sales means being prepared and consistent. He draws parallels to the best athletes who show up the same way every day, regardless of the circumstances. This reliability and dedication are what define true professionals.

David’s story is a powerful example of how the skills and mindset developed in sports can lead to success in a completely different field. His journey from the NFL to Zoom highlights the importance of preparation, continuous learning, and the ability to adapt and thrive in new environments. For anyone considering a career in sales, his advice and experiences offer a valuable roadmap to follow.

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Episode 6: Create Your Own Luck | Michael Paladino

Episode 6: Create Your Own Luck | Michael Paladino

In this episode of Merchants of Change, JR sits down with Michael Paladino, a former athlete turned successful sales leader. Michael shares his journey from playing sports at Trinity College to becoming a prominent figure in the tech sales industry. This episode is packed with insights for new sellers and those transitioning into sales, particularly former athletes and military veterans.

Sports Memories and Transition

Michael’s fondest memories from his sports career revolve around the camaraderie and shared victories with teammates. He emphasizes the importance of building relationships and enjoying the journey, rather than focusing solely on the outcomes. A unique tradition from his time at Trinity involved reading anonymous letters in the locker room, allowing teammates to air grievances humorously and build a stronger bond.

Reflecting on his transition to sales, Michael highlights the challenge of moving from a role with clear-cut responsibilities in a family business to the dynamic environment of tech sales. His first sales job at VM Turbo (later known as Turbonomic) introduced him to a vibrant, competitive atmosphere that felt reminiscent of a sports team.

Early Career Lessons

Michael advises new sellers not to overthink their first job choice. Instead, focus on finding a supportive team and strong leadership. He emphasizes the importance of evaluating the company’s culture and the authenticity of its leaders. Michael’s own experience at VM Turbo taught him the value of learning from others and the importance of resilience and grit in sales.

Keys to Success at PandaDoc

Michael’s move to PandaDoc allowed him to create significant impact by developing a new full-cycle sales motion. His success was driven by hard work, adaptability, and a willingness to learn from others. He attributes his achievements to outworking his peers and maintaining a balance between leveraging a supportive culture and pushing for high performance.

Philosophical Insights and Mentorship

One of the most impactful lessons Michael learned was the concept of “no victims,” emphasizing personal accountability. This lesson was reinforced by reading “Extreme Ownership” by Jocko Willink, which he recommends for its insights into leadership and accountability. Michael underscores the importance of having mentors who provide valuable guidance and perspective, such as his former CRO at PandaDoc, Nate Gilmore.

Advice for Navigating Tough Times

As the market becomes more challenging, Michael advises sales professionals to focus on skill development and resilience. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive attitude, seeking mentorship, and being proactive in personal development. Michael also highlights the value of humility and continuous learning in achieving long-term success.

Identifying a Rocket Ship Company

When choosing an early-stage company, Michael suggests looking beyond product-market fit. Evaluate the leadership, culture, and the potential for personal growth within the organization. He believes that the people and the company’s vision are critical factors in determining its potential for success.

Final Thoughts on Being a Pro in Sales

For Michael, being a pro in sales means having a clear definition of professionalism, working deliberately, and maintaining personal accountability. He stresses the importance of humility and continuous improvement, noting that pride can hinder growth.

Michael’s journey from athlete to sales leader offers valuable lessons for anyone looking to transition into sales. His emphasis on hard work, resilience, and continuous learning provides a roadmap for achieving success in a competitive industry.

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Episode 5: Metrics = Accountability | Jamas LaFreniere

Episode 5: Metrics = Accountability | Jamas LaFreniere

In the latest episode of Merchants of Change, JR Butler reconnects with his childhood friend and fellow hockey player, Jameis LaFreniere. The episode offers valuable insights for new sellers, especially those transitioning from sports to sales.

Cherished Sports Memories

Jameis reminisces about his favorite sports memories, which include playing hockey without pressure and enjoying the camaraderie with his friends. He fondly recalls playing pickup hockey, mini hockey tournaments, and sleepovers at local rinks. These experiences, he believes, laid the foundation for his competitive spirit and teamwork.

Transition to Sales

Jameis’s path to sales was unconventional. With no clear career plan, he considered a financial advisor role at John Hancock and a sales position at EMC. Despite a rocky interview where he forgot his resume, he impressed EMC’s Jimmy Mac with his authenticity and determination. Jameis highlights the importance of perseverance, even when the transition feels overwhelming.

Key Lessons from Early Career

Starting at EMC, Jameis faced the challenge of learning complex technology and making a high volume of cold calls. Despite finding the BDR role tough, he saw it as a necessary step to his future success. His story underscores the value of grit and the critical skills learned in early sales roles that benefit long-term careers.

Choosing the Right Company

Jameis advises new sellers to focus on leadership quality, growth opportunities, and long-term viability when choosing their first company. He emphasizes the importance of asking questions about career progression and evaluating the company’s leadership to ensure a supportive and growth-oriented environment.

Long Tenure at EMC/Dell EMC

Jameis has spent 16 years at EMC, now Dell EMC, navigating through the significant merger with Dell. He attributes his long tenure to the company’s evolving opportunities and his personal satisfaction with his role. Jameis believes that loyalty and the ability to adapt to change are key to a successful career in one company.

Leadership and Mentorship

Throughout his career, Jameis has been influenced by several mentors, including Jimmy Mac and Tom Heiser. He values leaders who trust their teams, offer constructive feedback, and provide growth opportunities. These qualities have shaped his own approach to leadership and mentorship.

Sobey’s Hope Foundation

Inspired by his daughter Sophie’s diagnosis with a rare disease, Jameis founded Sobey’s Hope Foundation to drive research and support for glycogen storage disease type 1b. The foundation has raised significant funds and is making strides towards finding a cure. Jameis credits his sales skills for helping him pitch the cause and secure support.

Defining Professionalism in Sales

For Jameis, being a pro in sales means accountability. He believes that professionals should be reliable, responsible, and committed to their goals. This mindset has been a cornerstone of his career and something he encourages in new sellers.

Jameis LaFreniere’s journey from hockey to sales offers valuable lessons in perseverance, adaptability, and the power of a supportive network. His story is a testament to how skills learned in sports can translate into successful sales careers.

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Episode 4: Be Coachable | Ernest Owusu

Episode 4: Be Coachable | Ernest Owusu

In Episode 4 of Merchants of Change, JR Butler interviews Ernest Owusu, a former NFL defensive end who successfully transitioned into a sales leadership role. This episode is particularly insightful for new sellers and those considering a career shift into sales, especially former athletes and military veterans.

Memories of the NFL

Ernest fondly recalls his first NFL game as a defining moment in his athletic career. Playing against the San Francisco 49ers, he experienced the emotional high of hearing the national anthem on the field for the first time. This moment encapsulated his lifelong dream of making it to the NFL.

He also highlights the importance of work ethic and dedication by sharing his experience with Jared Allen, a teammate who exemplified these traits. Allen’s relentless focus on perfecting his craft, despite already being at the top of his game, left a lasting impression on Ernest.

Transition to Sales

The transition from professional athlete to sales professional was not straightforward for Ernest. Initially exploring various careers, he eventually realized that sales was a natural fit due to the intangible qualities he developed as an athlete, such as discipline, dedication, and a competitive spirit. Conversations with former teammates helped solidify his decision to pursue a career in sales.

Ernest’s journey began as a Sales Development Representative (SDR), where he initially struggled, hitting only 50% of his quota in the first quarter. However, he drew on his experience as an athlete, where he had often been a rookie or freshman working his way up. This mindset helped him improve rapidly, eventually achieving and surpassing his targets.

Overcoming Challenges

One significant challenge for Ernest was adjusting to the role of a SDR after being an NFL player. The shift from being sought after to seeking prospects was a tough mental adjustment. He emphasizes the importance of embracing the rookie mindset, understanding that success in sales, much like in sports, requires perseverance and continuous improvement.

Advice for Aspiring Sales Professionals

Ernest offers valuable advice for those considering a career in sales. He stresses the importance of finding a strong manager who is invested in their growth. A supportive leader can significantly impact a new seller’s trajectory, providing guidance and resources necessary for success.

He also highlights four core traits essential for success in sales: grit, curiosity, conscientiousness, and business acumen. These traits, often inherent in athletes and veterans, can be cultivated to excel in sales roles. Ernest encourages aspiring sales professionals to seek mentorship, continuously learn, and remain adaptable.

Choosing the Right Sales Role

When evaluating potential sales roles, Ernest advises candidates to focus on companies with strong onboarding programs and a culture of development. He emphasizes the importance of leadership and a supportive environment that fosters growth and skill development.

Sales Leadership and Mentorship

Ernest’s transition into sales leadership was driven by his passion for motivating and developing others. He realized that his strengths in motivating individuals and creating effective processes were best utilized in a leadership role. His goal is to help others achieve generational wealth and success in their careers.


Ernest Owusu’s journey from the NFL to sales leadership is a testament to the transferable skills athletes bring to the business world. His story highlights the importance of perseverance, continuous improvement, and finding supportive leadership. Aspiring sales professionals can draw inspiration from his experiences and apply these lessons to their own careers.

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Episode 3: Master Your Craft | Jeff White

Episode 3: Master Your Craft | Jeff White

In Episode 3 of Merchants of Change, JR Butler interviews Jeff White, also known as “Whitey,” who shares his journey from high school sports to a successful career in medical device sales. This episode offers valuable insights for new sellers, particularly former athletes and military veterans, considering a shift into sales, specifically in the medical device industry.

Early Sports Career

Jeff White’s athletic journey began in high school, where he enjoyed the camaraderie and success with his teammates. Despite a promising start, his athletic career was derailed by multiple ACL injuries during his transition to college sports. These injuries significantly influenced his career path, sparking an interest in the medical field, particularly in how medical professionals helped him recover.

Transition to Medical Device Sales

Jeff’s fascination with the medical field led him to explore various roles through Merrimack College’s sports medicine program, where he shadowed different medical professionals. It was during this period that he encountered medical sales reps and became intrigued by their role in surgeries and their flexible, independent work schedules. This exposure ultimately led him to pursue a career in medical device sales.

Early Career and Insights

Jeff’s first role was in selling Durable Medical Equipment (DME), an entry-level position that helped him understand the medical sales landscape. His success in this role led to a full-time position as a territory manager. Reflecting on his early career, Jeff emphasizes the importance of choosing innovative and disruptive technologies to sell, as these can significantly enhance a salesperson’s career and earning potential.

Understanding Medical Device Sales

Medical device sales is characterized by its independence and the need for building strong, in-person relationships with healthcare professionals. Unlike traditional office-based sales roles, medical device sales require reps to be on the field, visiting hospitals and interacting directly with decision-makers. Jeff explains the distinction between W2 roles, which offer a base salary and commissions, and 1099 roles, which are commission-only but offer higher earning potential.

Skills and Attributes for Success

Jeff highlights several key attributes for success in medical device sales:

Independence: Managing one’s time and responsibilities effectively is crucial.

Relationship Building: Developing and maintaining strong relationships with healthcare professionals is essential.

Industry Compass: Understanding the core principles of cost, product efficacy, and satisfaction helps tailor sales pitches effectively.

He advises new entrants to the field to conduct thorough research on companies, focusing on those with innovative products and strong market positions.

Leadership and Mentorship

Great sales leadership in medical device sales involves a hands-on, player-coach approach. Jeff recalls influential leaders like Greg Roche and Tim McCarthy, who actively participated in sales activities and provided valuable guidance. Such leaders help reps navigate complex deals and develop their skills through direct involvement and mentorship.

Key Skills for Elite Performance

Jeff attributes his success to his skill in persuasion, particularly in eliciting behavior changes within healthcare institutions. He emphasizes the importance of mastering one’s craft and understanding the specific needs and pain points of clients through thorough questioning and discovery.

Being a Pro in Medical Device Sales

For Jeff, being a professional in medical device sales means earning respect from peers, customers, and the broader medical community. Building and maintaining relationships, never burning bridges, and consistently delivering value are hallmarks of a true professional in this field.


Jeff White’s journey from sports to medical device sales leadership underscores the importance of resilience, continuous learning, and relationship-building. His insights provide valuable guidance for aspiring sales professionals, particularly those transitioning from athletics or the military, looking to make their mark in the medical device industry.

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Episode 2: Courage, Empathy, Curiosity | Ken Grohe

Episode 2: Courage, Empathy, Curiosity | Ken Grohe

In Episode 2 of Merchants of Change, host JR Butler interviews Ken Grohe, a seasoned sales leader, who shares his journey from a small-town upbringing to a successful career in sales. This episode provides invaluable insights for new sellers, particularly former athletes and military veterans, considering a shift into sales.

Early Life and Inspiration

Ken Grohe grew up in Rockland, Massachusetts, a town much like JR Butler’s Marlborough, where hard work and athletics were a way of life. Grohe attributes his strong work ethic and competitive spirit to his upbringing. He recalls his father’s influence and his community’s values, emphasizing that everyone believed in working hard to achieve success.

Transition to Sales

Initially, Grohe considered a career in law, inspired by TV shows like Perry Mason. However, after shadowing a lawyer and realizing the clerical nature of the job, he shifted his focus to sales, drawn by the prospect of constant interaction and high-pressure situations. This decision was influenced by his experience at Boston College, where he frequently organized and participated in career events.

Breaking into Sales

Grohe’s big break came while working at trade shows during college. He met Randy Seidel and Dave Donatelli from EMC, who offered him an inside sales job. Grohe’s enthusiasm and drive were evident, and he quickly adapted to the energetic and competitive sales environment at EMC.

Reflecting on his early days, Grohe emphasizes the importance of practicing and rehearsing, traits that set him apart. He would often walk around the office late at night, perfecting his presentations and preparing for meetings with high-level executives.

Keys to Success in Sales

Grohe highlights three crucial attributes for success in sales:

Courage: The willingness to take risks and face challenges head-on.

Empathy: Understanding and addressing the needs of clients.

Curiosity: Continuously seeking knowledge and improvement.

He also stresses the importance of being prepared to move for opportunities, both physically and mentally. Whether relocating for a job or adapting to new roles within a company, flexibility and a willingness to seize opportunities are vital.

Choosing the Right Company

For those considering a career in sales, Grohe advises looking for companies that move fast and offer quick growth opportunities. He suggests researching potential employers, understanding their training programs, and talking to successful employees to gauge the company’s culture and growth prospects.

Sales as a Career Path

Grohe believes sales is the most rewarding and hardworking job, offering substantial financial rewards for those willing to put in the effort. He advises aspiring sales professionals to invest in themselves, practice relentlessly, and seek feedback to continuously improve.

Professionalism in Sales

To Grohe, being a pro in sales means being respected by clients and peers alike. A professional salesperson should have a strong LinkedIn presence, showcasing thought leadership, client recommendations, and active participation in relevant communities. This credibility and respect are essential for long-term success in sales.


Ken Grohe’s journey from a small-town upbringing to a successful sales career is a testament to the power of hard work, continuous learning, and seizing opportunities. His insights provide valuable guidance for anyone looking to excel in sales, particularly those transitioning from athletics or the military.

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Episode 1: You Learn From Losing | Ryan Baker

Episode 1: You Learn From Losing | Ryan Baker

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