Companies: Assistant Coaches Program

First, you learn. Then you earn. Then you return.

As sellers, we all remember our early mentors, leaders, and colleagues who shaped who we have become as sellers. They taught us how to be professionals — in our approach, mindset, and tactical skills. We wouldn’t be where we are without them. There are over 600,000 BDR roles in the United States, and every week new sellers are entering the market. Some are lucky, like we were, and get through tough interview processes in order to be surrounded by the type of professional sellers that are going to shape them into future high performers. But many won’t get that opportunity, especially in current markets as hiring tightens up and more companies lean towards identifying candidates that come with prior BDR experience.

At Shift Group, we want to close this gap. Our Assistant Coaches Program is how we plan to do this. Starting in mid-September, we want to expose our candidates to the type of people that they want to become. People like you. 

The ask is simple — we’re asking you to donate as little as 30 minutes a quarter, or as many hours as you are willing to give. We will work 100% around your schedule by having a shared calendar that you can update in real-time. During the thirty minute session(s) that you donate, a shift group candidate who has been through our SaaS Sales Bootcamp will do 2 role plays. We will have a simple but structured rubric for you to score the candidate in the below categories and you will share their score with us following the call. The candidates will always have the opportunity to try again with either yourself or another Assistant Coach. 

Prior to presenting and doing roleplays with you, the candidates will be presenting and role-playing with a Shift Group Coach and a Shift Group Alumni to sharpen their work. 

For every thirty minutes you spend with a Shift Group Candidate, we will donate $50 to a charity of your choice. You will be giving back to the next generation of sellers, as well as to a great cause. 

Shift Group | Assistant Coaches Program | Technology Sales

Shift Group Assistant Coaches

If you decide to participate in the Assistant Coaches Program, please read the contract below. Upon submission of the form (below), you will be sent a DocuSign containing this contract.

Shift Group Assistant Coaches

What you will be scoring.

Mock Cold Call and Discovery Call

  • Cold Calling: The candidate will select one person from their Email Prospecting work, present their prep notes, and then do a mock cold call with their Assistant Coach

    — 10-15 minutes

  • Discovery Call: Using the same contact from the Cold Call section, now under the premise that the contact filled out an interest form on a website and agreed to a call, the candidate will present their prep notes, and do a mock discovery call with their Assistant Coach

    10-15 minutes