Episode 9: Katie Tynan | Embrace the rookie mindset

From Tennis Courts to Sales Wins: Katie Tynan’s Journey

In our latest podcast episode, we had the pleasure of talking with Katie Tynan, a former college tennis player who transitioned successfully into a sales career. Katie’s story provides valuable insights for athletes and veterans considering a similar path.

Katie’s athletic career at Bentley University left her with lasting memories, not of specific wins, but of the camaraderie and the bonds formed with her teammates. She cherishes the time spent with her team, the shared experiences, and the mutual support during both highs and lows. Katie’s teammates likely remember her as reliable and consistently positive, traits that have undoubtedly contributed to her professional success.

Transitioning from sports to sales was not part of Katie’s initial plan. Graduating during the chaotic job market of COVID-19, she realized that marketing wasn’t her calling despite majoring in it. Encouraged by close contacts who recognized her potential in sales, Katie decided to give it a try. She landed a position at PTC, a move she’s grateful for, as it provided her with a challenging yet rewarding career path.

Katie highlighted the importance of being coachable and having grit, two qualities she developed through tennis. These traits helped her navigate the tough early days as a Business Development Representative (BDR). Starting remotely was challenging, but once she transitioned back to the office, everything clicked. She thrived in the collaborative environment and quickly learned the importance of asking for help and building strong relationships with her teammates.

When advising current students or recent graduates, Katie emphasizes understanding how success in sports can translate into success in sales. The dedication, hard work, and desire to win in sports can directly apply to a sales career. Additionally, Katie underscores the importance of financial motivation, noting that sales is an excellent career for those who are driven to achieve high earnings.

Katie also spoke about the critical role of mental toughness, especially in a profession like sales where rejection and setbacks are common. Drawing parallels to her tennis experience, she noted that learning from losses and maintaining a positive attitude are crucial.

One of Katie’s key pieces of advice for new sales professionals is to build strong relationships and be genuinely curious about their colleagues’ experiences. She stresses the importance of always seeking feedback and being open to learning, as this mindset can significantly enhance one’s growth and success.

Reflecting on what makes a great first sales job, Katie pointed to two main factors: people and product. She advises choosing a company with a product you’re excited to sell and leaders who invest in their team’s growth. For Katie, PTC provided both, making her feel supported and motivated to excel.

For those starting as BDRs, Katie recommends getting to know your team, being curious, and not being afraid to ask questions. She also highlights the importance of having a routine to stay dialed in and perform at your best, both professionally and personally.

Katie Tynan’s journey from college tennis player to successful sales professional demonstrates the powerful transferability of skills developed through sports. Her story is a testament to the value of hard work, resilience, and continuous learning in achieving career success.

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