Episode 7: The Power of Listening | Trent Staley

From Pool to Pitch: Trent Staley’s Transition to Sales

In a recent episode of Merchants of Change, Trent Staley shared his inspiring journey from an elite swimmer at USC to a successful career in sales. The show, which focuses on helping elite athletes and military veterans transition into sales, provided a perfect platform for Trent to discuss his unique experiences and offer valuable insights for those considering a career shift.

Swimming: A Foundation for Hard Work and Dedication

Trent’s journey began in the pool. As a child, he gravitated towards swimming because he struggled with other sports. His dedication and hard work paid off, eventually leading him to swim for USC. Reflecting on his swimming career, Trent emphasized the importance of loving the work, especially in individual sports like swimming. His commitment to relentless training and his ability to push past self-imposed limitations were crucial to his success.

Transitioning to Civilian Life

Like many athletes, Trent faced a challenging transition after his athletic career ended. He experienced the common struggle of finding purpose and direction post-sports. During this period, a pivotal figure in his life was Brad Ball, a mentor who took an interest in Trent and provided him with invaluable opportunities in the business world. Brad’s example of relentless creativity and dedication, even after achieving significant success, left a lasting impression on Trent.

Applying Athletic Skills to Sales

Trent’s work ethic, honed through years of rigorous training, translated seamlessly into his sales career. He stressed the importance of preparation and listening—two skills that are critical for success in sales. Preparation allows sales professionals to respond dynamically in meetings, while active listening ensures they understand and meet their clients’ needs effectively.

Trent’s experience at NASCAR further highlighted the importance of understanding clients’ businesses and aligning sales strategies with their goals. This approach, combined with a strong work ethic, is crucial for building long-term, successful relationships with clients.

Advice for Aspiring Sales Professionals

For those looking to transition into sales, Trent’s advice is clear:

  1. Embrace Hard Work: Success in sales, like in sports, requires dedication and a willingness to push through challenging times.
  2. Be Prepared: Thorough preparation is essential for making impactful presentations and responding effectively to clients’ needs.
  3. Listen Actively: Understanding clients’ needs and tailoring solutions to meet those needs is key to building trust and achieving success in sales.


Trent Staley’s journey from an elite swimmer to a successful sales professional exemplifies how the skills and discipline developed in sports can be effectively transferred to a business career. His story serves as an inspiration for athletes and veterans transitioning into sales, emphasizing the importance of hard work, preparation, and active listening. Through his experiences, Trent demonstrates that with the right mindset and dedication, anyone can achieve success in sales.

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